There is no need to register for an Easter Mass: Please recall that there is no obligation to attend. Please use prudence when deciding to attend in light of your health and vaccination status. The 8:30 PM and 10 AM Masses will be live-streamed.
If you were taking Communion to the homebound last March or are doing it now, please contact Deacon Ron at 412.273.9122 or [email protected] and give your name, contact information, and the name(s) and contact information of the people you were/are visiting. Also indicate if you plan to continue or not. Note, if you plan to continue, there is a short orientation that can be done by e/mail. If you would like to begin taking Communion to the Homebound or want Communion brought to you. Please contact Deacon Ron with your name and contact information. Deadline, noon on Friday, April 9th.
Saturday, March 27th at 9 am in St. Colman Church (100 Tri-Boro Ave., Turtle Creek). We will be wiping down pews, altars and stations. Lunch provided. Tools and materials provided as needed. Join us for as little or as long as you can. St. Colman Clean-up Coordinator, Sue Buchholz, will confirm details with participants. Registration required by noon, March 25th, by contacting Deacon Ron at 412.273.9112 or [email protected]. Please share the name(s) of the people participating, the ages of children involved, phone number, email if available, tools and supplies you can bring, questions. We plan to work at every church as coordinators volunteer. Currently, we need coordinators for Good Shepherd, Madonna, Sacred Heart, and Word of God. Please contact Deacon Ron for more information if you can consider serving as a coordinator. Watch for the clean-up dates at other churches. Remember, St. Joseph was a Worker!
Order forms will be in our Parish Bulletin starting the weekend of April 11 through the weekend of May 2. The order deadline is May 7. We will be offering for flats and ½ flats (32 & 16 flowers respectively) of 13 different varieties of flowers in several colors, 4.5” potted Geraniums in 4 colors, and hanging baskets. Order forms may be submitted by mail to the Parish office or putting them in the collection basket on Sunday. The sale is sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of America and the Knights of Columbus to benefit the Parish and the sponsoring organizations."