Deadline for registration is Thursday, April 29th! St. Joseph the Worker Feast Day Special Mass Celebration will be held on
Saturday, May 1, 2021, 12 p.m., Word of God Church, Bishop David Zubik, Main Celebrant. Registration is required and opens on Saturday, April 17, 2021.
The registration link is: Seating is limited on a first come, first serve basis until maximum capacity is reached. No exception can be made due to covid restrictions.
Easter Vigil 2021
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Pastor: Father Frank Almade
Celebrant: Fr. Jeremy Mohler
Concelebrants: Father Martin Barkin and Father Daniel Aboagye-Adjei
Deacons Herb Riley and Joe Dougherty Jeff McLaughlin, Diaconate candidate
Eric James Ross Catechumen Eric was Baptized, Confirmed and received First Communion His sponsor is Mary Ellen Ross
Anthony John DelloStritto Candidate Anthony completed his Sacraments of Initiation with Confirmation and First Communion His sponsor is Stephanie Spinelli
Eric and Anthony, their sponsors, our clergy and RCIA Team (composed of Cece Stack, Paul Osterman, Mike Matthysse, Jordan Clair, Brian Hall, Mary Diaddigo and Cheryl Kirkland) have been praying, learning and growing about our Catholic Faith for over a year in preparation for this Mass which brought them all fully into the Church. Although their journey with the RCIA team will soon be over, they are really just beginning their faith journey. Please continue to pray and encourage Anthony and Eric.
Thursday, April 15th after the 8 am Mass at Madonna del Castello, 2021 So. Braddock, Swissvale. Cleaning the pews and woodwork. Materials provided as needed. Join us for as little or as long as you can. Madonna Clean-up Coordinators, Marcia Murello and Kathy Wreath, will confirm details with participants. Registration required by noon, Tuesday, April 13th, by contacting Deacon Ron at 412.273.9122 or [email protected]. Please share the name(s) of the people participating, the ages of children involved, phone number, email if available, tools and supplies you can bring, questions. The St. Maurice clean-up is Saturday, May 22nd. Watch for the clean-up dates at other churches. Remember, St. Joseph was a Worker!