Father Frank Almade discusses the future of Saint Joseph the Worker Parish, Pittsburgh, PA. Father Frank presented these comments at Town Hall meetings held in each of the churches of the parish during the month of November 2022.
Please join Fr. Frank Almade this November for the St. Joseph the Worker Parish Town Hall Meetings. Fr. Frank will be discussing the future of our Parish and the usage of our Church buildings at these important meetings. Parishioners are invited to attend one of the eight Town Hall meetings that are scheduled, all sessions will take place in our Church buildings. The same information will be shared at each presentation so people can go to any meeting that their schedules can accommodate.
Thank you.
Saturday, November 5 at Madonna del Castello after the 4:00 PM Mass Sunday, November 6 at Sacred Heart after the 11AM Mass Tuesday, November 8 at Word of God Church at 6:30PM Wednesday, November 9 at St. Maurice Church at 6:30PM Thursday, November 10 at St. Jude Church at 6:30PM Saturday, November 12 at Good Shepherd Church at 2PM Tuesday, November 15 at St. Colman Church at 6:30PM Wednesday, November 16 at St. John Fisher Church at 6:30PM