Please join us for a farewell reception for Fr. Cassian on Saturday, July 29th after the 4PM Mass at St. John Fisher in Beaufort Hall.
Our Hospitality Committee will be planning the farewell gathering and they have asked folks to call the Parish Office at 412-271-0809 to RSVP for the reception
Next Rivers Casino Bus Trip - July 26, 2023
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
Bus leaves Sacred Heart Church of the St. Joseph the Worker Parish parking lot at 8:30 AM.
Cost is $20.00. You receive a voucher for $10.00 free play.
Contact Peggy Cox at 412-736-3507 to register
Looking to help out with this year's Hometown Fair? Find out more about all of the volunteer opportunities available. Enjoy meeting new people and showing off your baking skills!
Is the Holy Spirit calling you to join the Catholic faith? Do your children receive Communion, but you are not able to because you are another religion? Have you been baptized but haven’t received your Confirmation? JOIN US!